Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sofa Cushion Stuffing

Ellis, Pratt e Kirby...

This afternoon I took a break and I went for a stroll downtown, the weather was gray, cold as to fear and a slight pain in the neck by the morning accompanied me, and then in the face of all common sense, I dived into the crowd of the pedestrian to go Place to visit Feltrinelli, which opened its doors a couple of years ago in my town.

Not having the street, not visiting regularly passing in front of and above the Feltrinelli in Milan, I had never set foot in this place I realize that in reality it is a version of a normal microcoscopica Feltrinelli, with the same junk near the cash point, with the same intent to Scazzosi committed their own business and unwilling to customer service.

But not digress; browsing through the shelves, ordinatementi divided by genre and theme and in perfect alphabetical order, a bit like a supermarket, I imbatutto this:

"With a lot of fuel in the mood", originally released in 2007 under the title "Crooked Little Vein" is the first novel real bastard of English par excellence, Mr. Warren Ellis.

Released a few months ago to Elliot Edizioni, is as ugly, dirty and nasty!

But in my continuing curiosity, I also came across this other thing:

"an adventure novel" written by Alberto Ongaro, is a novel whose protagonist Hugo Pratt, in role of himself in a tale of fiction.

Released for the first time in the 70s and won the Campiello Prize, he returned last year to lireria Piemme Publisher.

Finally, tired of this place, I went to see Luke, my official comic book dealer, and I found waiting for a welcome surprise, namely:

"Kirby King of Comics" beautiful hardcover editions output for BD, staged by Mark Evanier on the life and works of Jack King, accompanied by hundreds of reproductions of its pages, from pencils to inks to its work to ecoline.

Note on absolute: the reproduction and translation Street Code of history, that traces the memories of youth Kirby during the '40s through the streets of New York, so far unpublished in Italy.

Now, at 0:46, before closing the day's entertainment, I realized something interesting today I brought home three books that cover my three great passions of the reader. In the welter of stuff I buy every month, every week, every day is not something that happens very often.
Now we have to choose one and start reading ... tough choice!

seems Christmas!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Heavy Headed And Nauseated

LuccaComics 2009

And this year, we have filed Luccacomics.

Francesco, Andrea and I decided to make a leap at the last minute on Friday 30, starting at 6:30 am, intermediate in Milan at 8:00 am and arrive at its destination at 12.20.

After vainly searched the ticket for about an hour, finally conquer the magic ticket and the wristband to access the marquees, which this year, thanks to God and the working day were living decimante.

This year we spent the day in turn, make contacts, greet and chat with people (Teo hello, hello Diego ), Meet other new sites (hello Giuliano) and meet old friends (hello Paolone), then that is the best part of this type of events, at least from my point of view. Also made some purchase, limited and targeted one of which I want to signal that I think is priceless for various reasons are:

Periplus Secret Hugo Pratt in ... what about ... one word: Pratt.

And I've said it all.

I could talk about many things, but I decided that is not now, then you tap the curiosity to keep the best of times!

By nightfall, we take our leave from the Tuscan city and its festival of comics and we riapprestiamo to tackle the 550 km that separate us from home ... one thing I learned from this visit hit and run, it takes the physical.

see you next year?
